Here is....

Why You Should Choose


Over Trainual

Find out about the 6 ways Humanagement beats Trainual as your ideal training platform. From intuitive UX to smart reports and modern design, our LMS offers everything you need to succeed in training.

6 Things Clients Appreciate
In Humanagement

(That you can't get in Trainual)

Impressively Easy To Use

Humanagement is designed to be self-explanatory both for admins and learners. It's like picking up a new smart phone, no manual needed.

Google Like Search

Your policies, processes. SOP's and everything else are incredibly easy to find. In Trainual the search only works for subjects. In humanagement it works much deeper. When employees search anything containing those words will show up. 

Build All Kinds of Courses

While both platforms provide article and knowledge base management, only humanagement provides a true intuitive course builder with testing & automations. Trainual has no independant course feature.

Everything Assigned to The Right People Automatically

Everything can be assigned by position or Division/Department. This means onboarding employees takes no extra work, So expanding does not = more work!

Not Just for Internal Knowledge

You can make any article or piece of knowledge "public" that means you can embed a public knowledgebase on your site. This means no double entry between help articles for clients and training for employees. 

Change Management

When you change or update something employees have seen in the past, The employees are notified of the new version, shown the change and the system stores which version they studied

Our Live Support is ACTUALLY Live

We have never and will NEVER outsource our customer support to bots! We take each and every customer inquiry to the heart, and personally deal with your question/issue with a quick response rate.
We prioritize your happiness.

Julian Dixon - American Grill & Hearth

We use this software in our company now to manage about 20 employees. Having switched over from another solution this one has been much better. The developers are super active, the service has been great, and they always answer questions almost immediately which is extremely appreciated. Bug fixes generally occur within a day or even less. Very fast. They also helped move our data over which was super helpful.

Humanagement vs Trainual

25 User Subscription




Knowledge Base Searchability
Search any word in any article
Only search subject titles
AI Policy Writer
Create or Rewrite Policies
Can Only Create
Tracks Who's Read What
Org Chart & Directory
Fully customizable, lanes, custom themes, view knowledge by post
No customization, just shows hierarchy
Custom Branding
Free App Training
Knowldge Testing
Live Support
Course Creator
Robust courses clear differences between knowledge base and courses
No real courses, just knowledge base put in a specific order
Article Version Tracking & Auto Employee Change Notification
Auto-Assign Content
Assign By Groups, Positions, Responsibilities
Only By Groups & Responsibilities
Embed Public Knowledge Base on Your Website
E-Sign Onboarding Documents
Done-For-You Data Import & Migration
Video Recording & Storage
Built In, Nothing 3rd Party
3rd Party Integration/ Separate Subscription
Highlights Article Version Differences
Try Humanagement for Free

Humanagement vs Trainual

What is Trainual?

Trainual is a platform designed to assist small businesses in creating process documents and onboarding new employees through comprehensive SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) and process documentation.

The Importance of SOP Software 

Having a reliable SOP software platform is crucial for organizing your business effectively. SOP software plays a key role in streamlining processes, ensuring compliance, and enhancing employee training and onboarding.

Understanding Your Needs Before Exploring Trainual Alternatives

Before you begin your search for Trainual alternatives, it’s important to identify your specific needs. The software options available can fall into various categories, including:

-SOP Software 

-Employee Onboarding 

-Training Software 

-Knowledge Management Software 

-Learning Management Software (LMS) 

-Corporate Wiki 

While these categories are similar, understanding the exact functionality and features will help you choose the best solution for your business.

 Determine your essential features and functionalities before making a decision.
Here is what real companies similar to yours are
saying about us after achieveing real results.

Spencer Waters - Manager at Equity & Help Inc

Humanagement has quickly become one of the stable tools for managing the company, with 30+ employees, keeping track of stats and a efficient knowledge base is a must, I highly recommend this software!

Ron Weber - CEO of Waste America

One of the things I love about Humanagement.io is how easy it is to use. The interface is clean, intuitive, and beautifully designed. It's made my job easier because I can spend more time on my work, instead of managing employee data.

Roxy K. - CEO of Voicercise

I work at a small company where each of us are wearing many hats. A lot of the time, my workload is heavy and unpredictable, which makes it hard to stay organized. However, I started with Humanagement.io and it has made my life so much easier!

Ryan M - Owner of Matterhelp

I was struggling to keep up with all of my employees. I felt like there wasn't enough time in the day to follow up on their progress and make sure they were always getting feedback or recognition for their work. Humanagement came in at just the right time, and has helped me stay on top of things while still giving everyone individual attention.


Start upskilling your team
with Humanagement today

Explore how Humanagement can take the pain away from training content development and management.
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